Improve Continuity of Care and Protect Patient Data

The importance of collaboration in the healthcare sector cannot be overstated. Effective collaboration plays a vital role in the consideration and continuity of patient care; it helps to ensure seamless transitions between different care settings, ultimately improving patient experience.

When incorporating collaborative technology in healthcare, patient experience, patient confidentiality, and data security are all critical factors. The Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center states that cyberattacks against the medical industry more than doubled from 2022-2023. Recently, Ascension, one of the nation’s largest healthcare organizations, was the latest health system to be impacted by a ransomware attack.

Healthcare providers need to recognize the significance of both connection and protection when implementing a collaboration platform. Workstorm offers solutions to improve continuity of care while protecting confidential patient data.

Expand Patient Experience

Effective collaboration among integrated healthcare teams connects different professionals involved in a patient’s care journey. A unified system allows healthcare professionals to share critical information in real time, which improves decision making and streamlines care.

Workstorm delivers a comprehensive solution that securely centralizes video conferencing, messaging, document management, email, and calendar. Workstorm is a private-by-default collaboration platform. It is designed to offer the highest level of privacy to protect patient data and ensure access to information on a need-to-know basis. Internally, care teams use messaging for patient check-in to discuss patient care, and coordinate care after appointments. Externally, care teams can connect with patients, regional clinics, labs, and specialists to discuss scheduling, share patient documents, and provide follow-up care.

Secure video conferencing extends the walls of the office and connects remote patients with care professionals through telehealth. Whether patients are in a rural area far away from a clinic or are traveling out of state, physicians can schedule telehealth appointments for continued care and to improve patient experience.

Improve Operational Efficiency and Business Continuity

Disparate systems, platforms, and devices in healthcare settings often lead to fragmented communication between clinics, support organizations, care teams, and medical specialists. Many of these healthcare providers are plagued with increasing costs and are challenged to do more with less. Modernizing healthcare collaboration can improve operational efficiency and business continuity by removing barriers to seamless information flow and coordination of care.

Often, one patient must navigate various care facilities and referrals. Each facility may have different technologies that work on various operating systems and devices. The staff is asked to juggle multiple apps to link patients with the care they need: the upshot is that it is complicated and time intensive.

Workstorm connects everyone involved in a patient’s care journey, and it does so securely from any location or device. The platform has native apps for Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, and Android devices, and offers a universal web app. It’s an inclusive experience that simplifies access and connection without sacrificing privacy, and its high availability allows providers to make informed clinical, operational, and financial decisions.

Protect The Patient Journey

Healthcare organizations are experiencing record levels of data breaches. Hackers are going after centralized collaboration platforms. Many of these platforms were designed to break down silos and make relevant information readily available. They were built primarily as open knowledge management systems to spread knowledge efficiently throughout an organization. A drawback to these technologies is that once an attacker gains entrance to the platform, they have access to all of the information within that system. For many industries the tradeoff between security and transparency is problematic. For a healthcare provider the outcome of a breach can be catastrophic.

When working with regulated and sensitive information it is imperative to implement a collaboration platform that can effectively segregate and protect data. Because Workstorm was designed with a private-by-default approach, the platform gives healthcare administrators the ability to deploy and manage channels with specified purposes centrally; however, they do not have access to the content of the channels. This creates a privacy layer between the administration of the channels and the privileged conversations between patients and providers. Significantly, because someone has access to one channel, it does not mean they have access to all channels. By structuring and managing workspaces for patient consultations, file sharing, and messaging, healthcare providers ensure that patients have secure, compliant access to healthcare teams and that their data remains confidential and stays protected.

Summary: Workstorm Improves Operational Efficiency, Patient Experience, and the Patient Journey

As the healthcare sector continues to prioritize collaboration to enhance patient care and operational efficiency, safeguarding patient data must remain a top priority. The increasing threat of cyberattacks against the healthcare industry necessitates the implementation of collaboration platforms that not only connect healthcare providers with their patients but also protect sensitive information. Workstorm meets the rigorous and challenging demands of the healthcare industry and helps providers remain focused on delivering patient care. This balance of connectivity and confidentiality enhances patient experience and also strengthens operational efficiency and business continuity in healthcare settings. Ultimately, this leads to improved outcomes for both patients and providers. Schedule a 20 minute intro call to learn more >>