Whenever we hear about an uninvited, unannounced party dropping in and snooping on a business’ video call, or news stories alleging workplace harassment and security breaches via popular remote collaboration tools, it ruffles our feathers here at Workstorm. Because whether or not security is top of mind for your company, protecting your people and your data is top of mind for ours.

If you’re looking to become a more efficient and productive remote business – and as you read about companies dealing with data breaches, video harassment or other security threats – here are some reasons to give secure collaboration and privacy a closer look.

Secure collaboration is future-proof

Remote work – or at least remote collaboration – is clearly here to stay. 2020 proved that it can be done efficiently and effectively with the bevy of tools now available to us. But secure collaboration is another issue: With so many documented incidents of security breaches and data leaks (just Googling “video conferencing security issues” uncovers pages upon pages of examples). How can you guarantee safe collaboration when your people, documents and assets are not in one, controlled place? How can you ensure that – when someone in your organization innocently shares a client list, credit card, Social Security number or otherwise sensitive piece of information over chat – your confidential data has actually remained confidential?

It’s a valid question, and one that’s keeping many companies like yours up at night: 451 Research found that businesses consistently ranked secure collaboration as a top priority in its 2020 Voice of the Enterprise Workplace Productivity survey.

So what’s the solution? It’s as simple as selecting a secure collaboration tool designed to protect your most precious data, keep you nimble, and minimize the risk of breaches and leaks.

Many popular video conferencing or chat tools were built primarily for fun and personal use. They fulfill an individual user’s need to talk to Grandma or quickly shoot a file to someone in another state or country. All too often, these remote collaboration tools take shortcuts that don’t take security and privacy into consideration. Shortcuts that your business likely can’t afford. But you can take meaningful steps toward protecting your company’s people and data by choosing a platform intended for business.

Workstorm Is a Secure Collaboration Platform

Workstorm started as a “security-first” company – our vision was never to invent a social tool. Our team of experts built Workstorm to meet the secure collaboration needs of industries like professional services, healthcare and legal. Our goal: to create a secure, fully integrated messaging, email, video and file sharing solution for businesses concerned with confidentiality and protecting their sensitive data.

And let’s be honest: what business isn’t that type of business in a COVID world? Certainly, it’s becoming increasingly dangerous not to be.

That’s why Workstorm offers robust security features like end-to-end encryption, single sign-on and two-factor authentication. We also go beyond security to consider privacy and make sure your most important information is protected. While other platforms sell or share your data, we never have and we never will.