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Legal Collaboration Platform for Litigators
Secure Collaboration for Matter Management
Three Tips for Secure Document Collaboration & File Sharing

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Insight Category


Legal Collaboration Platform for Litigators

A litigator's biggest challenge can boil down to effectively managing and analyzing large amounts of data coming from a variety of sources. Litigators must navigate through this data to build a strong case, manage tight deadlines, and coordinate with clients and internal teams.


Secure Collaboration for Matter Management

Law firms manage highly sensitive and confidential information for their clients. Not surprisingly then, hackers continue to attack the legal sector. A survey, by Arctic Wolf and Above the Law, showed that 56% of respondents, who had reported their firm had a security breach, lost confidential client data.


Improving your Firm’s Legal Matter Management

It is common for firms to face obstacles that include centralizing collaboration for internal teams and external parties, controlling access to confidential information, tracking billing discrepancies, accommodating client demands to stay informed, and maintaining information governance standards.


Law Firm Secure Collaboration Best Practices

Manage information technology (IT) for a law firm? You’ve probably lost sleep over the myriad ways your company’s data can be compromised – and the devastating effects it could leave on your reputation and bottom line.


5 Benefits of Law Firm Collaboration Platforms

The pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for law firms and legal departments that aren’t working together regularly in the office.


Digital Collaboration and Discovery: Is Your Law Firm Keeping Up?

The way we communicate in the workplace is changing – and those changes are having a huge impact on how law firms do business.


The 5 Biggest Takeaways from the ABA 2019 Legal Technology Survey

How are today’s law firms using technology and where do they still need help? That’s what the American Bar Association recently set out to answer in its 2019 Legal Technology Survey Report.


4 Lessons Learned at ILTA – and How They Could Impact Your Team

As the premier conference focused on legal technology, this year’s ILTACON event in Orlando, Florida, brought together thought leaders and technology decision-makers to explore operational strategies for today’s ever-changing legal industry.