Still have questions about how artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other innovative technologies will be regulated or applied practically? Next year may be the one you find the answer.

The full article originally appeared on December 20, 2018 in Legaltech News, authored by Zach Warren.

Another year down, another year where the entire legal profession hasn’t been replaced by robots. Strike that one in the win column, I’d say.

Still, even if your firm’s newest associate isn’t named HAL, there are more than enough technological innovations in recent years to make you feel like you’re practicing law in the future. And according to attorneys and tech experts Legaltech News has spoken with, those advancements will only continue as automation, artificial intelligence, and other new pieces of tech become second nature in many law firms and legal departments.

Below is the third of our three part series on 2019 in legal technology, predicting what to watch out for this coming year. Below is our experts’ full thoughts, organized by last name alphabetical order.

New Technologies Predictions

The next era of communication is upon us—social, mobile, virtual, video. Today’s legal professionals demand tools that augment productivity and support the ability to work in the office, across the street or around the world. 2019 will be the year where law firms and legal departments embrace collaboration technology. With messaging, email integration, video conferencing, document management, and screen sharing, collaboration platforms are the future of how legal professionals conduct business. Platforms specific to the legal industry make this technology no longer a nice-to-have, but rather an essential tool to propel client objectives and drive operational efficiencies.