Industry Insights & Case Studies

Legal Collaboration Platform for Litigators
Secure Collaboration for Matter Management
Three Tips for Secure Document Collaboration & File Sharing

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May 14, 2024
Angela Kovach Joins Workstorm Leadership Team, Adding Deep Vertical and Technical Expertise
April 9, 2024
Katie Barr Joins Workstorm Executive Team, Highlighting Focus on Legal Industry
March 5, 2024
Ambassador Ivo H. Daalder Joins Workstorm Advisory Board
January 29, 2024
In Memoriam: Andrew Christensen


Insight Category


Secure Collaboration Is Here to Stay

Whenever we hear about an uninvited, unannounced party dropping in and snooping on a business’ video call, or news stories alleging workplace harassment and security breaches via popular remote collaboration tools, it ruffles our feathers here at Workstorm.


Taking Work by Storm: Inside Our 2021 Roadmap

One year ago, “coronavirus” wasn’t yet a household word, office watercoolers still existed, and business meetings involved gathering around a table instead of logging into a laptop.


Building a Digital Workplace that Works For Your Remote Team

Before co-founding Workstorm, I was part of the team at Automated Trading Desk (ATD), a high-frequency trading firm that pioneered technology and artificial intelligence to revolutionize the trading industry.


5 Remote Work Security Mistakes Businesses Might Not Even Know They’re Making

Digital collaboration is a top priority for business leaders as they work to keep remote teams productive and engaged.


Connecting to Success: 4 Technology Essentials for Virtual Career Networking

In 2020, college classrooms have faced major disruptions. As the 2020-2021 school year begins, 27% of institutions plan to operate primarily online, with 6% committing to a completely virtual experience and 16% embracing a hybrid model.


Breaking Down Communication Borders: 4 Digital Rules for External Collaboration

The coronavirus pandemic has unleashed a dramatic – and possibly permanent – shift to remote work. A study published this summer found that nearly half (42%) of Americans are now working from home full-time.


Digital Privacy and Collaboration: Workstorm’s Origin Story

From day one, Workstorm was built with secure, compliant collaboration in mind. We’re committed to providing a digital platform that protects private data while connecting professionals from anywhere with anyone. Here’s the story behind how it all began.


Redefining Legal Collaboration in the Wake of COVID-19: A Conversation with The Geek in Review

During a time when most of us are under work-from-home orders, remote collaboration is likely a necessary part of our workday. As many law firms adopt full-scale remote work for the first time, they’re evaluating new tools and processes while also navigating the stresses on their team in this uncertain environment.