

Legaltech 2019: Communication, Calendaring, Collaboration

Legaltech 2019 is behind us! It was another exciting year of learning and networking, and even having a little fun along the way.


Knowledge Workers Level Up with New Tools

“Knowledge workers”, a common label to refer to those in the professional services industry, trade in information. Communication is essential, as these professionals are measured by their ability to gather and share experiences and insights with clarity, consistency and, increasingly, speed.


Legal Technology Predictions

Still have questions about how artificial intelligence, blockchain, and other innovative technologies will be regulated or applied practically? Next year may be the one you find the answer.


The Time Is Now for Corporate Legal Collaboration

Solve complex problems, forecast legal spend, manage risk and partner with a diverse set of business stakeholders—these are just a few of the vast demands placed on in-house legal.


Stop, Collaborate and Listen

Workplaces are looking a little different these days. From where work is done to how ideas are discussed and who is making the decisions, a majority of employees are demanding change.


Don’t Be Scared of Collaboration (Spooky Good Advice)

Halloween is here, and this means candy and costumes—perhaps in and out of the office depending on where you work. But Halloween also signals a quick race to the end of the year.


3 Steps to Becoming a Workstorm Power User

Collaboration begins with finding time to connect with colleagues, convey ideas and share workload. But the most successful collaboration happens when it's adapted into the normal, day-to-day work routine.


ILTACON 2018 Wrap-up: Workstorm in Washington

ILTACON 2018 is in the books, and, if you’re like me, you probably needed last week to recover! Now is the perfect time to reflect on ILTA’s annual event and the outcomes and key takeaways.


Document management + collaboration

Time is an asset. In an ideal world, all your case documents and communications would be in one place.


How email is evolving in the world of enterprise collaboration

Email is here to stay. Despite the rumors, email is not dead in enterprise collaboration. In fact, it’s far from it. Email is alive, well and quickly evolving in the new mobile and social world of business.