
Digital Collaboration and Discovery: Is Your Law Firm Keeping Up?
The way we communicate in the workplace is changing – and those changes are having a huge impact on how law firms do business.

New Year, New Workstorm: A Look at Our 2020 Roadmap
As many people reflect back on the past decade, we’re focused on the future at Workstorm. In 2019, we invested in major upgrades to deliver an even better user experience and improve application performance – because our mission is your productivity.

The 5 Biggest Takeaways from the ABA 2019 Legal Technology Survey
How are today’s law firms using technology and where do they still need help? That’s what the American Bar Association recently set out to answer in its 2019 Legal Technology Survey Report.

The Importance of Workstream Collaboration
It used to be that a workplace consisted of offices, desks, and colleagues you saw face-to-face on a daily basis. Now, we’re in a technology-enabled era where the ping of a messaging app is the new company memo, videoconferencing is the new watercooler, and your closest colleague could be halfway around the world.

4 Steps to Help Anyone Become a Better Project Manager
For many firms, the days of relying on an official project manager are gone. As teams learn to do more with less and become larger, more geographically dispersed and cross-functional, solid project management skills are a must for every professional leader.

4 Data Privacy Rules to Help Your Business Avoid Its ‘Silicon Valley’ Moment
How private is your firm’s data?

4 Lessons Learned at ILTA – and How They Could Impact Your Team
As the premier conference focused on legal technology, this year’s ILTACON event in Orlando, Florida, brought together thought leaders and technology decision-makers to explore operational strategies for today’s ever-changing legal industry.