Information Governance and Matter Workflow Top ILTA Attendee Pain Points 

Workstorm recently returned from ILTACon, hosted at the Gaylord Opryland in Nashville. The conference ran from August 11-15 and welcomed over 3,500 attendees. Workstorm announced the launch of its Matter Folders feature at ILTACon to improve matter management and centralize secure collaboration. 

During the 4-day conference, Workstorm surveyed attendees to gather feedback on current collaboration pain points. The survey results highlighted common themes among respondents, shedding light on challenges faced across the legal industry.  

The Demographics: 

  • IT: 44%  
  • CIO/CTO: 16% 
  • Innovation: 1% 
  • Litigation Support: <1% 
  • Other*: 27% 

*Excludes vendors, but includes law firm roles such as training, learning, or development. 

The Results: 

Rating Existing Collaboration 

43% of respondents indicated that their firm’s current deal room solution needs work. Roughly 25% of respondents rated their current solution neutrally and only 32% rated it good or excellent, indicating the need for improvements with respect to this aspect of collaboration.  

Almost 33% expressed dissatisfaction with the available tools for virtual depositions and case updates. Nearly 40% answered neutrally and only 27% reported high levels of effectiveness.  

Top Pain Points 

When asked about their strongest pain points, 43% of all respondents indicated information governance as a significant concern, with 71% of responding CIO/CTOs specifically pointing to it as their top concern. Additionally, 57% of CIO/CTOs noted that tracking matter workflow and tasks posed challenges in their firms. Among IT professionals, information governance and secure file sharing stood out as the primary pain points, with 46% of respondents identifying those as key areas for improvement.


Opportunity for Change

The survey also revealed insights about the willingness to explore and invest in a solution that would solve these pain points. Almost 35% of all respondents expressed their openness to invest in new technology to address their challenges, with equal percentages (33%) of CIO/CTOs and IT professionals making that consideration. Just under half of all respondents said it would depend. 

Summary: Room for Adoption of Highly Verticalized Solutions 

Overall, the survey’s findings underscore the need for new solutions that effectively manage information governance and workflow tasks. Interested in discussing how Workstorm is shaping the matter management landscape? Contact Us >>